Family Support & Leisure
Pony Bird’s Family Support and Leisure programs provide a variety of services designed to enhance the lives of families and their loved ones who have developmental disabilities.
Family Support
Providing families with tools to be effective caregivers.
Providing care for a son, daughter, or other family member with a developmental disability 24/7 can be a daunting task that may continue through the entire life of the loved one. We support family caregivers so they are better equipped to effectively face challenges enabling them to provide care longer.

Family Support Sibshop: Coming soon! Pony Bird will be hosting Sibshops! Sibshops are a celebration of the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. Sibshops reflect a belief that brothers and sisters have much to offer one another if they are given a chance. Siblings participate in a spirited mix of games (designed to be unique, off-beat, and appealing to a wide range of abilities), participate in discussion activities, and get to know others who have something in common with them — a sibling with a disability. Sessions will have snacks and may include crafts, discussion groups, and other lively activities. We will be hosting three different sessions: Sibsquad (ages 6-12), Sibteen (13-17), and Sibnet (18 and over).
To learn more about Sibshops and the Sibling Support Project watch the following video.

My Care: MyCare is a respite voucher program that empowers families to find quality caregivers who will provide their loved one with the support and oversight they require so family members can have a break.
KidStart: KidStart is a lending library that makes hundreds of developmental and adaptive materials available to families and their young children. The lending library is loaded with books and toys that you can check out to enrich your child’s development as well as equipment that your child’s therapist can check out for you. The purpose of the program is to promote early child development and support families by saving them money while conscientiously recycling usable equipment and developmental toys.
Leisure Services
Encouraging active lifestyles.
Pony Bird’s Leisure Services offers participants with disabilities the opportunity to develop peer relationships outside of family and work. We offer an array of community-based recreational activities, unique experiences, and vacations guided by suggestions of participants. Opportunities include:
- Monthly social activities
- Special events
- Dining out and movie nights
- Sporting events
- Special Olympics training and competitions
- Weekend getaways
- Vacations
All activities are guided by qualified, highly trained staff members or volunteers who are driven to offer the best experience possible.