Community Living
Pony Bird’s Community Living offers the opportunity to learn independent living skills in a safe, warm and supportive home environment that nurtures independence, self-worth and living skills. It also promotes opportunities for each individual to be involved and engaged in their community at a level they choose.
Pony Bird, Inc. currently serves individuals from St. Louis City, St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Jefferson County, Franklin County, St. Francois County, St. Genevieve County, and Washington County, Missouri. However, placement can be considered for individuals residing anywhere in the United States.
We offer an extensive array of supports with various levels of supervision designed to assist people in living as independently as their abilities permit. A team of qualified professionals work with the individual and their family to tailor an individual support plan based upon their specific needs and preferences. Areas of support may include, but are not limited to: self-help skills, communication, safety/survival skills, domestic skills, recreation/leisure planning, community integration, academics, money handling and decision-making. Individuals are also helped to connect to their religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds.
Other supports available to individuals include: transportation, vocational training/employment, day program services, nursing/medical supervision, therapies and positive behavior supports.
To learn more about Community Living: